Eurolife upcoming, ongoing and recently ended events
Ended: Eurolife DATAETHICS International Conference and Panel Discussion
Ethical Governance of Biomedical Big Data:
Advancing Social Justice and Human Rights in Digital Health
19 December 2024 Innsbruck, Austria
Participation only upon registration
Join us for an engaging event on Fairness and Rights in Digital Health: Ethical Challenges for Your Data.
The event is open to the public and aims to foster dialogue among interdisciplinary experts, policymakers, students, and the general public on the ethical challenges surrounding biomedical big data.
Participants will have the opportunity to listen to and engage with leading academic experts, as well as representatives from the Council of Europe and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Dilemma Café will provide a space for rich discussions and the exchange of perspectives, aiming to promote understanding, knowledge, and fair implementation of ethical practices for societal impact.
International Conference Panel Discussion Case Studies
WHY THE DATAETHICS International Conference
The DATAETHICS Conference aspires to be a leading international event on the ethics of Biomedical Big Data (BBD). It aims to foster communication among students, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, industry and the general public, all united by a common goal: to establish fair and ethical transnational guidelines for the responsible handling of BBD across diverse scientific disciplines.
Open to DATAETHICS Winter School students, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public. Participation is only possible upon earlier registration.
There are no participation fees – participation is free of charge. The organisers do not cover or reimburse any participation-related costs, i,e, travel, accommodation, meals.
Please note that spaces are limited, so be sure to register early to secure your place.
To ensure broad access, the event will be streamed online, reaching audiences across Europe and beyond. You are welcome to join us in person in Innsbruck on 19 December 2024 or virtually. Venue details and links for online participation will be provided in Autumn, upon registration.
The event features talks from 12 prominent international speakers:
Morning programme
- Prof. P.J. Wall, Trinity College Dublin
- Dr. Elisa Houwink, Mayo Clinic
- Prof. Orsolya Peter, Semmelweis University
- Dr. Georgios Exarchakis, University of Bath
- Prof. Ciara Staunton, Eurac Research
Afternoon programme
- Dr. Laurence, Lwoff, Head of Human Rights and Biomedicine Division Council of Europe
- Prof. Deborah Mascalzoni, WHO technical advisor
- Prof. Sabine Ludwig, Medical University of Innsbruck
- Prof. Silke Schicktanz, University Medical Center Göttingen, President Academy for Ethics in Medicine
- Prof. Barbara Prainsack, Director of Governance of Digital Practices, University of Vienna
- Prof. Andre Krom, Chair Dutch Society for Bioethics (NVBe), member of the Committee on Population Screening (Health Council of the Netherlands) and the subcommittee Ethical and Societal Aspects (Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification)
- Prof. Emmanuel Netter, University of Strasbourg
The event is sponsored by the Eurolife Network and the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony.
Don’t miss this unique chance to be part of the conversation on the future of digital health and data ethics!![]()
Ended: Eurolife DATAETHICS Winter School
‘Big Data Divide’ and governance of BBD Platforms
Ended: Eurolife semi-annual Meeting and Academic Symposium
28-29 November 2024 hosted by the Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
Ended: Eurolife Distinguished Lecture
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wuhrer from the Leiden University Medical Center
13 November 2024, 2-3 PM Hybrid
Venue: Karolinska Institute, Air&Fire SciLifeLab Tomtebodavägen 23A Solna
Glycosylation influences the activity and fate of antibodies and immune cells, playing a key role in infections, inflammatory conditions, and cancer.
Through advanced mass spectrometry approaches, researchers are uncovering disease-associated glycosylation changes, including specific glycans on the Fc portion of antibodies. These modifications can significantly impact antibody functions in autoimmune and alloimmune conditions, as well as in inflammatory and infectious diseases.
Exploring the glycomic landscape of diseases holds great potential for discovering new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wuhrer is professor of Proteomics and Glycomics and head of the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)). He is also chairman of the Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry (NVMS).
This Eurolife Distinguished Lecture (EDL) was part of the EDL series, which brings top researchers from Eurolife Universities to present groundbreaking work. This was the first talk in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and online participation. The series promotes active dialogue between speakers, researchers, and students, enhancing collaboration across partner institutions. Lecture topics span Eurolife’s key research areas, including neuroscience, imaging, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, genetics, and international health.
Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the cutting-edge research on glycosylation and its implications for diagnostics and therapy
ENDED: Eurolife Summer School
Innovative Solutions to address Current and
(Re) EMERGING Infectious Diseases at a Global Scale
30th June - 5th July 2024 hosted at the Leiden University Medical Center, THE NETHERLANDS
The overall aim of the summer school is to provide participants with an overview of globally applicable innovative solutions to address current and emerging infectious diseases.
It is expected that infectious diseases will be the number one cause of death worldwide within the next 50 years displacing cancer from the top spot. Factors contributing to this rise include increasing resistance to antimicrobials, the effects of extended migration, emerging pandemics, overpopulation, climate/environmental change and intensive livestock farming. Since the causative agents of infectious diseases are not contained by borders, these problems need to be addressed at a global scale.
The summer school will address these factors and provide insights into the current trends through lectures by experts in various themes of infectious diseases including:
– One health
– Applications of AI in diagnostics
– Computational, animal and human models
– Vaccination & treatment
Lectures will provide an immersion into possible solutions to tackling new and (re)emerging infectious diseases. The summer school will also involve generating a white paper in groups on a selected topic related to tackling future problems of (re)emerging infectious diseases. Through this collaborative group assignment, participants will actively contribute to envisioning and addressing future challenges, while benefitting from the diverse perspectives of students from different corners of the world.
Tentative Program is available HERE
The summer school welcomes MSc and PhD students in the (bio)medical, pharmacology, biotechnology and life sciences with a special interest in infectious diseases. Proficiency in written and spoken English is required. In particular, we encourage students currently engaged in relevant research topics in the Global South, to participate.
Participants must be available for the entire duration of the summer school and be prepared to participate in all activities in the programme.
All applicants will go through a selection process, and will be selected by the organizing committee based upon their motivation, CV and relevance of their backgrounds to the topics as well as academic level requirements. Eurolife candidates will be nominated by their respective organizations. Application documents: CV and Application form
29 February 2024
Application documents should be submitted to the Eurolife Liaison Officers (list available below). Please ensure to indicate “Theme Infection Summer School” in the email subject line.
Eurolife offers 27 grants to students from Eurolife institutions. Please not that a quota of 3 grants per partner institution will be respected in the selection process.
The Eurolife grant to the Summer School 2024 will cover:
• participation in the summer school, hotel, breakfast, lunch, 1x dinner and transportation by bus for a research centre visit
Please note: Travel costs to/from Leiden are not included
ENDED: Eurolife semi-annual Meeting and Academic Symposium
16-17 May 2024 hosted at the University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany
ENDED: Eurolife semi-annual Meeting
23-24 November 2023 hosted at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
ENDED: DATAETHICS Multiplier Event and Experts Panel Discussion
17 August 2023 hosted at the Semmelweis University, Budapest, HUNGARY
Ethical aspects of Biomedical Big Data represent an important issue that attracts ever increasing attention. This broadly recognized problem needs to be addressed at its roots by intensive interdisciplinary and intercultural training of new generations and young medical scientists both in academic and industrial settings. The lack of overarching and uniform training tools and educational resources in the generation and handling of Big Data leaves a large gap and has immense ethical implications.
In this Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project, the consortium has developed tools to address this pressing issue by using an international, multicultural approach and utilizing digital technologies and artificial intelligence. The programme includes summer and winter schools, E-learning courses, innovative training methods (VaKE) and open badge awards.
ENDED: DATAETHICS Multiplier Event and Experts Panel Discussion
11 May 2023 hosted at the University of Strasbourg, France
DATAETHICS will present project’s deliverables at the DATAETHICS Multiplier Event and Experts Meeting in Strasbourg, France.
With the key note speaker Dr. Lawrence Lwoff, Council of Europe – Head of Bioethics Unit and Secretary of the Committee on Bioethics, the Consortium, external experts and stakeholders will debate the importance of DATAETHICS and its topic in the current healthcare environment in Europe and globally, and discuss the next steps for DATAETHICS in identifying and promoting best practices for Biomedical Big Data (BBD).
DATAETHICS is committed to updating the conceptual and ethical considerations that arise from BBD collection and use beyond the project’s end date. We aim to ensure that ethical best practices are developed, implemented, and appreciated to improve medical knowledge and clinical care.
During this meeting, we hope to expedite cooperation and discuss joint strategies to prevent ethical mistakes or misunderstandings that can lead to social rejection or distorted legislation and policies, which could cripple the acceptance and advancement of BBD science.
We encourage all stakeholders to participate in this discussion and contribute to the development of ethical best practices for BBD – please contact the DATAETHICS office in Göttingen if you have an interest in the event.
ENDED: DATAETHICS Winter School 2023
Data Sharing in Life Sciences & Health
23 January - 27 January 2023 hosted at the Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands followed by a short virtual collaboration on a flexible schedule The call for applications is now closed
The potential of big data coupled with the big strive for open science opens up regulatory and ethical challenges for the development of EU health research. Due to the increasing importance of the exploitation of data in health domain (for example – but not only – in the case of a pandemic) and to exploit the full potential of health data, the establishment of the European Health Data Space is being discussed and the notion of Open Science and Data-sharing acquires new dimensions.
While looking at what the brave new world might look like, we will explore how to frame research in this changing landscape that requires a greater exploitation of medical records, the extensive sharing of research datasets, and the introduction of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). These concepts challenge our existing ethical and regulatory frameworks based on individual rights and new concepts emerge to frame a new bioethical paradigm based on the balance between individual rights and public value. Patient’s data are used and reused for many different purposes and common concepts as ethical and control oversight, as well as informed consent require revision. Issues to be addressed include FAIR access, control, privacy, transparency, security, accountability and justice. Coupled with a focus on the development of safe spaces to use data for health in EU, we will present hands on experiences and potential solutions for researchers.
This 5-day course offered a unique opportunity to interact during lectures from leading and established cross-disciplinary experts in data curation and privacy, data use, ethics, biomedicine, and related fields. Through a matrix of lectures, interactive sessions and small group assignments, we created a flexible environment allowing for students to acquire new knowledge outlined in a dilemma story. This approach furthers the ability of students to apply newly-gained knowledge in true-to-life scenarios. The course also offerséd ample opportunities for networking with peers and thematic experts from different leading European medical institutions, as well as external speakers from academia and industry.
Participants debated the significance of coupling ethical with scientific considerations of the curation and handling of data sharing in the era of Open Science related to (bio)medicine, and learned about the latest developments in data science, bioinformatics, and applied AI in (bio)medicine.
Some of the topics covered in the DATAETHICS Winter School:
- Ethically managing open science and data sharing: lessons from the COVID pandemic
- Infrastructure and machine learning allowing distributed data exploitation
- AI and Big Data: ethical and legal considerations
- FAIR-data and VODAN Africa
- Diversity aspects linked to safety for exoskeleton and related med tech
- Practical experience from DPO Consultancy
and more!
The tentative program is available HERE
Hear from the participants to the DATAETHICS Summer School 2022 and learn what they have to say about the DATAETHICS school
Through your participation in the course, you will yourself with the value chain of ethical, social and legal considerations in the field of Open Science and Data Sharing and the Biomedical/Health domain. Through the group exercises based on a real-life case study, you will gain the basis to analyse, categorise and address key ethical considerations of data sharing and usage in the era of Open Science in the Life Sciences & Health domain. Through the opportunity to debate on a true-to-life dilemma, you will develop understanding on how to assess the use of Biomedical Big Data in the context of the ethical implications that inevitably follow it, and how to leverage ethical consideration in decision making. Participation in this course will foster your transversal skills and equip you with cutting edge knowledge on big data relevant to your study, research or internships.
The expertise of the speakers covered a broad spectrum of research and application interests from bioethics, health policy and social studies of medicine, to cutting-edge genomics, analysis of large heterogeneous high-throughput data-sets and usage related to Open Science for biomedicine.
The course featured lectures from prominent international speakers:
- Prof Ciara Staunton
- Carles Latorre
- Prof Anne-Christin Hauschild
- Prof PJ Wall
- Dr André Krom (LUMC)
- Prof Mirjam van Reisen (LUMC)
- Dr Eduard Fosch Villaronga (Leiden University)
- Prof Deborah Mascalzoni (Medical University Innsbruck)
- Jelmer Pieters (DPO Consultancy)
- Prof Ulrich Sax (UMG)
and more!
The school was further augmented by student participation in a virtual collaborative exercise focusing around the dilemma story introduced on Day 1 of the course, and was based on a flexible schedule that could be organised around your commitments. This activity, taking place following the Winter School 2023, was enhanced by a learning methodology structuring knowledge and developing soft skills based on value education. Participation in this exercise was voluntary for the participants to the DATAETHICS Winter School 2023.
The involvement and synergy of students and the DATAETHICS education trainers in the exercise was designed to allow for an equal dialogue.
Students participating in the DATAETHICS Winter School will be awarded a certificate of participation. Furthermore, students will receive the DATAETHICS Open Badge for recognition of their qualifications, achieved via the practical exercise of applying the DATAETHICS training and knowledge in the process of the virtual collaboration.
This innovative certification method – the DATAETHICS Open Badge –allow the participants to digitally showcase the skills and competences they gained during the Winter School and the virtual exercise. The ultimate achievement recognised via this badge will be the report produced upon the completion of the practical exercise.
The course welcomed BSc, MSc and PhD students from the fields of medicine, biomedicine and life sciences, and priority was given to students from the DATAETHICS Partner Universities. Proficiency in written and spoken English was required.
To ensure active participation and exchange with teaching staff and fellow participants, as well as transnational character of the course, a maximum of 30 participants were admitted to this course, with balanced representations of participants per DATAETHICS partner institutions. In addition, in case of equal quality of applications, the following groups were given priority in the selection process:
- Students with disabilities
- Participants to the DATAETHICS virtual exercise, who did not participate in the DATAETHICS Schools to date
Big Data, Big Implications:
Data Protection in Biomedicine
4 July - 8 July 2022 hosted at the University of Barcelona, Spain followed by a short virtual collaboration on a flexible schedule The call for applications is now CLOSED
Due to the increasing importance of the exploitation of Data in health and in order to unleash the full potential of health data, an establishment of the European Health Data Space is being discussed.
Some new concepts challenge our existing ethical and regulatory framework including the exploitation of medical records, the use of research data, the introduction of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Patient’s data are used and reused for many different purposes and common concepts as informed consent, control and ethical oversight, require revision.
While the development of safe spaces to use data for health is of fundamental importance for the European Union, the new data science and AI technologies raise some issues regarding their ethical, societal and legal implications that need to be addressed. These include issues concerning fair access, control, privacy, transparency, security, accountability and justice.
This Summer School will offer a unique set of lectures and activities enabling participants to familiarize themselves with the value chain of ethical, social and legal considerations in the field of Biomedical Big Data (BBD) driven developments.
This 5-day course offers a unique opportunity to listen to lectures from leading and established cross-disciplinary experts in data curation and privacy, Data use, ethics, biomedicine, and related fields. Through a matrix of lectures, interactive sessions and small group assignments, we create a flexible environment allowing for students to acquire new knowledge framed around a dilemma story. This approach furthers the ability of students to apply newly-gained knowledge in true-to-life scenarios. The course also offers ample opportunities for networking with peers and thematic experts from different leading European medical institutions, as well as external speakers from academia and industry.
Join us to debate the significance of coupling ethical with scientific considerations of the curation and handling of biomedical data, and learn about the latest developments in data science, bioinformatics, and AI in (bio)medicine.
Some of the topics covered in the DATAETHICS Summer School are:
- Data Ethics and Data Protection Legislation in Health Research & Biobanking
- Big data and Health Data challenges
- AI ethics – technological perspective
- Trustworthiness in intense data research
- Fundamentals of Big Data use, IA, and other data intensive frameworks models in (bio)medicine
Through your participation in the course, you will learn about the fundamentals of coupling and implementing data driven research, data management and ethical considerations. Through the group exercises based on a real-life case study, you will gain the basis to analyse, categorise and address key ethical considerations of the use and reuse of data in biomedicine and understand how to frame appropriate approaches for your everyday research environment in biomedicine. Through the opportunity to debate on a true-to-life dilemma, you will develop understanding on how to assess the use of Biomedical Big Data in the context of the ethical implications that inevitably follow it, and how to leverage ethical consideration in decision making. Participation in this course will foster your transversal skills and equip you with cutting edge knowledge on big data relevant to your study, research or internships.
The expertise of the speakers covers a broad spectrum of research and application interests from bioethics, health policy and social studies of medicine, to cutting-edge genomics, analysis of large heterogeneous high-throughput data-sets and AI solutions for biomedicine.
The course will feature lectures from prominent international speakers:
Prof. Deborah Mascalzoni (Medical University of Innsbruck)
Prof. Oriol Pujol (University of Barcelona)
Dr Isa Houwink (Leiden University Medical Center) & Rick Overkleeft (4MedBox)
Prof Anne Hauschild (University Medical Center Göttingen)
Dr. Mahsa Shabani (University fo Ghent)
Dr Marco Roos (Leiden University Medical Center)
Veronika Popa (EURORDIS)
and more!
The school will be further augmented by student participation in a virtual collaborative exercise focusing around the dilemma story introduced on Day 1 of the course, and will be based on a flexible schedule that can be organised around your commitments. This activity, taking place following the Summer School 2022, will be enhanced by a learning methodology structuring knowledge and developing soft skills based on value education. Participation in this exercise is obligatory for all participants to the DATAETHICS Summer School 2022 and its completion is the precondition for earning the DATAETHICS Open Badge.
The involvement and synergy of students and the DATAETHICS education trainers in the exercise is designed to allow for an equal dialogue. This virtual activity will end with an online assignment.
Students participating in the DATAETHICS Summer School 2022 will be awarded a certificate of participation. Furthermore, students will receive the DATAETHICS Open Badge for recognition of their qualifications, achieved via the practical exercise of applying the DATAETHICS training and knowledge in the process of the virtual collaboration.
This innovative certification method – the DATAETHICS Open Badge –allow the participants to digitally showcase the skills and competences they gained during the Winter School and the virtual exercise. The ultimate achievement recognised via this badge will be the report produced upon the completion of the practical exercise.
The course welcomes BSc, MSc and PhD students from the fields of medicine, biomedicine and life sciences, and priority is given to students from the DATAETHICS Partner Universities. Proficiency in written and spoken English is required.
To ensure active participation and exchange with teaching staff and fellow participants, as well as transnational character of the course, a maximum of 30 participants will be admitted to this course, with balanced representations of participants per DATAETHICS partner institutions. In addition, in case of equal quality of applications, the following groups will be given priority in the selection process:
- Students with disabilities
- Participants to the DATAETHICS virtual exercise, who did not participate in the DATAETHICS Pilot School, Summer School 2021 or Winter School 2022.
Please note, Candidates from DATAETHICS partner institutions have priority in selections. Candidates from non-DATAEHICS institutions will only be nominated if the quota of 30 students from DATAETHICS partner institutions is not fulfilled.
Participation (travel and accommodation) of 18 selected students from the DATAETHICS partner institutions (with the set quota of 2 students per partner institution) will be funded by the DATAETHICS project.
The accommodation and travel costs of the remaining 12 selected students will be supported by the project.
Required documents: Electronic Application Form, CV and Motivation Letter (minimum 200-300 words explaining the predicted impact of the participation on the Candidate’s academic/professional career).
Candidates should complete the Application Form and together with the annexed documents, submit the application following the guidelines indicated in the online form.
Deadline for Applications: 17:00 Central European Time (CET) on Tuesday, 7 June 2022
All applicants will be notified on the selection results by 15 June 2022 through personalized email notification
ENDED: DATAETHICS WINTER SCHOOL 2022 with Virtual Exercise
24 January - 28 January 2022 & Virtual Exercise
Ethical dilemmas, advantages and challenges
The event will be online, hosted by the Leiden University Medical Center. The call for applications is now CLOSED
Here you can view the tentative program
Digitalization is a key initiative in everyday life, including healthcare. Within this, one of the most promising and disruptive technologies is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has started to play an increasingly important role in daily medical practice. AI agents have already shown that they can match or even outperform human professionals in determining the best treatments for, amongst others, cancer patients. However, as new data science and AI technologies are being developed and tested, concerns have arisen regarding their ethical, societal and legal implications, as well as their susceptibility to errors. These include issues conserning clinical accuracy and safety, transparency, security, accountability, data privacy and fairness. This Winter School will offer a unique set of lectures and activities enabling participants to familiarise themselves with the value chain of ethical, social and legal considerations in the field of biomedical AI solutions.
This 5-day course offers a unique opportunity to listen to lectures from leading and established cross-disciplinary experts in data curation and privacy, AI, ethics, biomedicine, and related fields. Through a matrix of lectures, interactive sessions and small group assignments, we create a flexible environment allowing for students to acquire new knowledge framed around a dilemma story. This approach furthers the ability of students to apply newly-gained knowledge in true-to-life scenarios. The course also offers ample opportunities for networking with peers and thematic experts from 9 leading European medical institutions, as well as external speakers from academia and industry.
Join us to debate the significance of coupling ethical with scientific considerations of the curation and handling of biomedical AI, and learn about the latest developments in data science, bioinformatics, and applied AI in (bio)medicine.
Some of the topics covered in the DATAETHICS Winter School are:
- Data Ethics and Data Protection Legislation in Health Research & Biobanking
- Interpretable AI
- AI ethics – technological perspective
- Trustworthiness in AI and risk assessment
- Fundamentals of implementing AI/ML models in (bio)medicine
The program of the course will shortly be available on this website.
Through your participation in the course, you will learn about the fundamentals of coupling and implementing biomedical AI, data management and ethical considerations. Through the group exercises based on a real-life case study, you will gain the basis to analyse, categorise and address key ethical considerations of AI in biomedicine and understand how to address AI/ML models in (bio)medical practice. Through the opportunity to debate on a true-to-life dilemma, you will develop understanding on how to assess the use of Biomedical Big Data in the context of the ethical implications that inevitably follow it, and how to leverage ethical consideration in decision making. Participation in this course will foster your transversal skills and equip you with cutting edge knowledge on big data relevant to your study, research or internships.
The expertise of the speakers covers a broad spectrum of research and application interests from bioethics, health policy and social studies of medicine, to cutting-edge genomics, analysis of large heterogeneous high-throughput data-sets and AI solutions for biomedicine.
The course will feature lectures from prominent international speakers:
Dr Marco Roos (Leiden University Medical Center)
Dr Isa Houwink (Leiden University Medical Center) & Rick Overkleeft (4MedBox)
Frederique de Paus & Erwin Haas (Landscape A.I.)
Prof Patrick Wall (Trinity College Dublin)
Prof Petia Radeva (University of Barcelona)
Prof Eoin O’Dell (Trinity College Dublin)
Prof Martine de Vries (Leiden University Medical Center)
and more!
The school will be further augmented by student participation in a virtual collaborative exercise focusing around the dilemma story introduced on Day 1 of the course, and will be based on a flexible schedule that can be organised around your commitments. This activity, taking place following the Winter School 2022, will be enhanced by contributions from our industry associate partners, as well as a learning methodology structuring knowledge and developing soft skills based on value education. Participation in this exercise is obligatory for all participants to the DATAETHICS Winter School 2022.
The involvement and synergy of students and the DATAETHICS education trainers in the exercise is designed to allow for an equal dialogue. This virtual activity will end with a report consolidating the elaborations of all students.
Students participating in the DATAETHICS Winter School will be awarded a certificate of participation. Furthermore, students will receive the DATAETHICS Open Badge for recognition of their qualifications, achieved via the practical exercise of applying the DATAETHICS training and knowledge in the process of the virtual collaboration.
This innovative certification method – the DATAETHICS Open Badge –allow the participants to digitally showcase the skills and competences they gained during the Winter School and the virtual exercise. The ultimate achievement recognised via this badge will be the report produced upon the completion of the practical exercise.
The course welcomes BSc, MSc and PhD students from the fields of medicine, biomedicine and life sciences, and priority is given to students from the DATAETHICS Partner Universities. Proficiency in written and spoken English is required.
To ensure active participation and exchange with teaching staff and fellow participants, as well as transnational character of the course, a maximum of 36 participants will be admitted to this course, with balanced representations of participants per DATAETHICS partner institutions. In addition, in case of equal quality of applications, the following groups will be given priority in the selection process:
- Students with disabilities
- Participants to the DATAETHICS virtual exercise, who did not participate in the DATAETHICS Pilot or Summer Schools
Please note, candidates from non-DATAEHICS institutions will only be nominated if the quota of 36 students from DATAETHICS partner institutions is not fulfilled.
Required documents: Electronic Application Form, CV and Motivation Letter (minimum 200-300 words explaining the predicted impact of the participation on the Candidate’s academic/professional career).
Candidates should complete the Application Form and together with the annexed documents, submit the application following the guidelines indicated in the online form.
Deadline for Applications: now extended to 12:00 Central European Time (CET) on Monday, 20 December 2021
All applicants will be notified on the selection results by 7 January 2022 through personalized email notification
On the 24th November 2021 the DATAETHICS project’s partners, students, associates and external advisor met online to review the implementation of the project, assess impact of the implementaton to date, as well as to discuss the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the project and its activities. The meeting offered a wonderful opportunity to discuss concerns and problems and “brainstorm” and agree solutions, to plan the forthcoming activities and synchronise work within the consortium. The outcome of the meeting: fruitful discussions and inspiring new ideas – an excellent start to the 2nd year of the project.
ONGOING: EUROLIFE LECTURE SERIES 2021, University of Strasbourg
This year’s Eurolife Lecture Series, the initiative of the Eurolife Education Alliance, are open to the 2nd year Bachelor students in Biology/Biochemistry from the University of Strasbourg.
More information and program are available HERE.
12-16 JULY 2021, with 2 months of virtual collaboration on a flexible schedule
Big Data, Big Implications: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine
The call for applications is now CLOSED
Amid hope and hype, artificial intelligence (AI) is widely regarded as one of the most promising and disruptive technologies for future healthcare. Big Data has been dubbed the oil of the 21st century, for the unprecedented opportunities it offers for building powerful AI solutions in a wide range of domains, especially in biomedicine. However, as new data science and AI technologies are being developed and pilot tested, concerns have arisen regarding their ethical, societal and legal implications. These includes key issues such as clinical safety, transparency, security, accountability, and fairness. This summer school will offer a unique set of talks, lectures and activities, that will enable the participants to familiarise themselves with the whole value chain of ethical, social and legal considerations in the field of biomedical AI.
This 5-day course offers a unique opportunity to listen to the lectures from leading and established cross-disciplinary experts in Big Data, AI, ethics and biomedicine. Through the matrix of lectures, interactive sessions and small group assignments, we create a flexible environment to allow for students’ acquisition of knowledge framed around a dilemma story, which further allows for students’ application of newly-gained knowledge in true-to-life scenarios. The course also offers plenty of opportunities to network with fellow students and thematic experts from nine leading European medical institutions, as well as external speakers from academia and industry.
Join us to debate on the significance of coupling ethical with scientific considerations of the curation and handling of Biomedical Big Data in learning structures and learn about the latest trends in data science, AI and bioinformatics.
The tentative program of the course is available HERE.
The expertise of the speakers covers a broad spectrum of research and application interests from bioethics, health policy and social studies of medicine, to cutting-edge genomics, analysis of large heterogeneous high-throughput data-sets and AI solutions for biomedicine. The full list of speakers will be available shortly and includes experts like Karim Lekadir, University of Barcelona, ES; Davide Zaccagnini, Linkeus, IT; Lorina Buhr and Silke Schicktanz, UMC Göttingen, DE, just to name a few.
On the last day of the course, an additional team of experts from academia and industry will join in to offer their feedback and share their expertise.
The school will be further augmented by students’ participating in a virtual collaborative exercise focusing around an identified dilemma story, on a flexible schedule that can be organised around students’ other committments. This activity, taking place in the two consecutive months after the Summer School, will be enhanced by a learning methodology to construct knowledge and develop soft skills based on value education. The involvement and co-work of students and teachers in the project will allow equal dialogue. This virtual activity will end with the publication of a collaborative multi-authored report.
EXPERTS PANEL
The expertise of the speakers covers a broad spectrum of research and application interests from bioethics, health policy and social studies of medicine, to cutting-edge genomics, analysis of large heterogeneous high-throughput data-sets and AI solutions for biomedicine. The full list of speakers will be available shortly and includes experts like Karim Lekadir, University of Barcelona, ES; Davide Zaccagnini, Linkeus, IT; Lorina Buhr and Silke Schicktanz, UMC Göttingen, DE, just to name a few.
On the last day of the course, an additional team of experts from academia and industry will join in to offer their feedback and share their expertise.
The course welcomes BSc, MSc and PhD students from the fields of medicine, biomedicine and life sciences from the DATAETHICS Partner Universities. Proficiency in written and spoken English is required.
To ensure active participation and exchange with teaching staff and fellow participants, as well as transnational character of the course, a maximum of 36 participants will be admitted to this course, with balanced representations of participants per DATAETHICS partner institutions. In addition, in case of equal quality of applications, the following groups will be given priority in the selection process:
- Students with disabilities
- Participants to the DATAETHICS virtual exercise, who did not participate in the DATAETHICS Pilot School
Required documents: Electronic Application Form, CV and Motivation Letter (200-300 words explaining the predicted impact of the participation on the Candidate’s academic/professional career).
Candidates should complete the Application Form and together with the annexed documents, submit the application following the guidelines indicated in the online form.
Deadline for Applications: The call for applications is now closed
All applicants will be notified on the selection results by 1 July 2021