Eurolife announces the DATAETHICS Multiplier Event and Experts Meeting in Strasbourg, France on 11 May 2023.
With the key note speaker Dr. Lawrence Lwoff, Council of Europe – Head of Bioethics Unit and Secretary of the Committee on Bioethics, the Consortium, external experts and stakeholders will debate the importance of DATAETHICS and its topic in the current healthcare environment in Europe and globally, and discuss the next steps for DATAETHICS in identifying and promoting best practices for Biomedical Big Data (BBD).
DATAETHICS is committed to updating the conceptual and ethical considerations that arise from BBD collection and use beyond the project’s end date. We aim to ensure that ethical best practices are developed, implemented, and appreciated to improve medical knowledge and clinical care.
During this meeting, we hope to expedite cooperation and discuss joint strategies to prevent ethical mistakes or misunderstandings that can lead to social rejection or distorted legislation and policies, which could cripple the acceptance and advancement of BBD science.
We encourage all stakeholders to participate in this discussion and contribute to the development of ethical best practices for BBD – please contact the DATAETHICS office in Göttingen if you have an interest in joining the event.
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