6th Round of Eurolife Postdoc Mobility grants – the call is now open
Eurolife Postdoc Mobility and Knowledge Exchange Eurolife announces the 6th call for Eurolife Postdoc Mobility and Knowledge Exchange grants – the initiative previously known as Eurolife Short-Term Research Exchange. The Network offers 9 grants to researchers from the Eurolife member institutions with the goal to facilitate further research collaboration. The grants will support travel and […]
The Eurolife partnership receives a European Union grant to implement a new project, DATAETHICS – Changing Landscapes in the Health and Life Sciences: Ethical Challenges of Big Data
The Eurolife Consortium has been awarded an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership grant towards its transnational project aiming at updating the conceptual and ethical considerations that arise from Biomedical Big Data (BBD) collection and use. Following the announcement from 3 August 2020 by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) acting as the National Agency for EU Higher […]
Leiden and Semmelweis Universities partner in the ‘European Universities Initiative’
The European University for Well-Being, EuniWell, has been selected for funding in the ‘European Universities Initiative’ and will receive 5 million euros funding from the European Commission. The alliance formed of the Universities of Leiden, Semmelweis, Birmingham, Cologne, Florence, Linnaeus and Nantes hopes to now accelerate working towards their mission and deepen their collaboration. The […]
IMPRS organises an online multidisciplinary neuroscience conference
IMPRS in Göttingen organises the 9th biennial NEURIZONS2020 conference titled: Networks grow- Ideas flow.
This is a multidisciplinary neuroscience conference organized by the students of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Neuroscience, in Göttingen. This year, the conference will take place online, using Crowdcast as platform.
Join us on 26-29 May 2020 to behold the latest research in neuroscience from a multitude of disciplines with two keynote lectures by Prof. Daphna Joel and Prof. Wolf Singer.