The goal of this call is to promote leadership and collaboration of the research staff of Eurolife institutions who intend to apply for H2020 calls or other international funding programmes. This funding will cover the initial costs of grant preparation to apply for Horizon 2020 or international funding. Applicants to this call must be Principal Investigators (PI) based at any of the 9 Eurolife institutions, holding a contract of employment which covers the duration of the grant. A PI may submit just one application to this call, with the exception of two-stage proposals, where the same PI may submit an application in support for the stage 1 and another application in support for the stage 2.
LUMC will host the Eurolife Summer School 2018
The Summer School proposal by Prof. Peter ten Dijke (Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands), entitled “Molecular Mechanisms in Cancer – Translating Discoveries into Personlised Therapies“, has been selected for funding by the Eurolife network.
UB finishes the coordination of the network holding the autumn Eurolife meeting
The University of Barcelona, in charge of coordinating the Eurolife university network during the period 2015-2017, held, on October 24 and 25, three meetings for this network which assessed the task that has been carried out and conducted the transfer to the new coordinator: the University Medical Center Göttingen (2018-2020). Specifically, the ones that met […]
Prof. Dr. Tomas Hökfelt: Monoamines and Galanin: Coexisting and Role in Depression
Professor Dr Tomas Hökfelt Professor Emeritus of Histology Neurology at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, Sweden Venue: Department of Psychiatry / Lecture Hall. Medical University of Innsbruck Date: October 13, 2017. Short biography Tomas Hökfelt was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1940. He enrolled in the Karolinska Institutet in 1960 and got his […]
Eurolife Autumn Symposium: A journey through Neuroscience
The Eurolife symposium “A journey throught Neurosciences” (Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 16:25h) brings at the University of Barcelona together Eurolife, the Institute of Neurosciences UB and their respective members, as well as students of the MSc in Neurosciences degree. The aim of the conference is to open a sustainable process of dialogue, to exchange knowledge and to increase cooperation between Eurolife institutions.